QCRB Data Privacy Statement
(Updated June 2023)
In accordance with RA 10173, otherwise known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012, we, at QCRB, believe that integrity and trust are the major factors in sustaining a sound relationship with our valued clients. By this standard, we commit to keeping all clients’ information secure.
We respect your rights
As clients, you have certain rights in relation to your personal data under the Privacy Act of 2012 which includes:
- not to receive marketing promotions;
- not to share or impart the information with subsidiaries, affiliates and with other companies that we have business with; provided that the information is not critical nor required applicable laws and regulation in keeping the service you availed with us;
- to provide you with information that we currently have about you subject to restrictions applied to us and as a company operating in the Philippines by certain laws and regulations;
- to update your information; and
- to relate your other concerns on how we collect, use, share, protect or dispose your information.
Collection of Personal Information
We may need to collect Personal Information about you from us and accredited third parties in adherence to the principles of transparency, legitimate purpose, and proportionality. This may include, but is not limited:
- personal information such as name, address, date of birth, gender, nationality, residency status, telephone number, e-mail address, financial information, tax file number, employment history, education history and specimen signature; and
- sensitive information may be gathered through captured footage in CCTV when you enter our premises.
We may collect other information through our electronic services such as but not limited to:
- authentication credentials;
- transaction logs includes date and time of access;
- information and files on the application used;
- internet service or mobile telecommunication provider;
- device information such as device location, type of operating system used and device model; and
- device contact list, camera and photos.
Unless the collection of sensitive information is required or permitted by or under law, we will obtain your consent to its collection.
If at any time you provide us with Personal Information about another person, you acknowledge that you will ensure that the person has been notified of all relevant matters required under the Data Privacy Act relating to our collection of such information and has consented to the collection, use and disclosure of their Personal Information by us as set out in this Privacy Statement.
If we are not provided with certain Personal Information we may not be able to supply some or all of our services. It may be infer to as sensitive personal information such as health, racial or ethnic origin, political opinion or membership of political association, religious or philosophical beliefs, membership of professional or trade associations or trade union, and criminal record.
If such unfortunate event occurs such as robbery or fraud, sensitive personal may be gathered through captured footage in CCTV surveillance camera.
In certain circumstances, we may be required or authorized to collect Personal Information under certain laws that apply to QCRB including the Anti-Money Laundering Act.
Use of Personal Information
We may use your personal information for the legitimate purposes of a financial institution under the supervision of the Banko Sentral ng Pilipinas.
For our electronic services, we may use your personal information collected to:
- identify and authorize your login to your online banking account, authentication of transactions and processing of applications;
- recognize you or your device when launching the app for a more secure and personalized experience;
- respond to the process your request;
- improve further customization; and
- to protect and detect fraud and other security matters.
Security of Personal Information
QCRB will take reasonable steps to protect the Personal Information it holds from interference, misuse and loss and from unauthorized access, modification or disclosure. In line with our internal authorization and access policies, employees only have access to information on a need to know basis.
To the extent permitted by law, QCRB will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify Personal Information if it is no longer needed for any purpose for which the information may be used and disclosed under this Policy except in circumstances where QCRB is required or authorized to retain such Personal Information (including as a result of the operation of tax, financial services or other applicable law).
The information may continue to be collected, stored, processed and/or shared from the conclusion of your transactions with any member of QCRB and accredited third parties or until the expiration of the retention limits set by applicable law.
Disclosure of Personal Information
We may disclose your Personal Information to the following parties:
- employees, agents, subcontractors, insurers, consultants, exchanges, repositories, depositories, clearing houses, affiliated or unaffiliated providers of outsourced or other services in connection with provision of services or products or otherwise in connection with the operation of QCRB business;
- professional advisers of QCRB;
- any financial institution or financial intermediary with which the client has or proposes to have dealings or otherwise is in connection with provision of services or products;
- governmental, regulatory, supervisory, law enforcement or similar authority (including tax authority) or industry body in any jurisdiction;
- trade repositories or similar facilities or institutions (and related third party service providers), whether pursuant to legislation, regulation, supervisory directive or otherwise;
- any court of competent jurisdiction in defense of claims or enforcement of rights;
- auditors of QCRB or Auditors of the Client;
- an assignee or a proposed assignee of any of QCRB’s rights or obligations;
- any person or organization who introduces you to us;
- credit reference agencies;
- any person with whom QCRB may enter a transaction under which payments may be made by reference to an agreement with the Client;
- debt collection agencies (in the event of default) (except for information of referees and third parties other than debtors and guarantors); and
- any person to the extent necessary, in our view, in order to carry out the instructions you give to us.
Personal information collected by any member of QCRB may be disclosed and shared between other members of QCRB (including those members that are located overseas as referred to below) and may (unless you tell us not to) be used for the respective marketing purposes of the members of the QCRB.
Access to your Personal Information
If at any time you would like to request access to the Personal Information we are holding about you, you are welcome to ask us in a form or manner which identifies the nature of the Personal Information requested.
Requests can be made to your QCRB business contact or the Data Privacy Officer at the “How to contact us?” section.
Generally, we will provide you with access to the Personal Information we hold about you within a reasonable time. Under certain circumstances however, we may not be able to provide you with access to the Personal Information we hold about you. This includes where:
- it would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of another individual;
- the request is frivolous or vexatious
- information relates to legal proceedings;
- the information would reveal a commercially sensitive decision-making process; or
- we are prevented by law from disclosing the information, or providing access would prejudice certain investigations.
Unless we are unable to do so, we will inform you of the reason(s) for refusing access. We may charge a fee for providing access to your Personal Information.
Direct marketing
We may use your personal details, including your address, to provide you with newsletters and information about products, services or other events that may be of interest to you.
If at any time you do not wish to receive such marketing information, you have the option to ask us not to send you any further such material and you may do so by writing to your QCRB contact or our Data Privacy Officer using the contact details at the “How to contact us” section.
How to contact us?
If you have a query or complaint concerning your Data Privacy Rights, please contact our Data Privacy Officer in the following information:
Email address: privacy@qcrblive.com
Business address: 6th flr., Garcia Corporate Tower, Lucena City, Quezon, Philippines
Telephone number: (042) 373-3850
Additional information for the Data Privacy Act of 2012 is found under the National Privacy Commission website (www.privacy.gov.ph).
Last updated on June 04, 2024